3 min readJun 25, 2020


Apple has just confirmed the new update is coming on your iPhone is iOS 14. Apple introduces the biggest update of the Home screen page, it is beautifully upgraded with App Library and appliance. There are all-new ways to tap into the App Store, message updates, and many more. There is no official release date for iOS 14, but it will come in this year near September because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

iOS 14 adds a new App Library view for organizing all apps. Apps get automatically organized in the App Library, and no need to keep all of the icons on the actual home screen view. There is also a new list view also features for sorting applications based on usage.

The application is available through the Today View, but can also be pulled out of Today View and onto the home screen. Apps move out of the way to make room for the appliances. The access of these widgets through the “Application Gallery,” with many different sizes options. iOS 14 also provides support for pictures in pictures, works very similar to iPad. In this, Siri has a new interface that does not overtake the whole screen.

In iOS, widgets have been seen for years now. Siri has a new interface that does not overtake the whole screen. When you trigger Siri in iOS 14, it will be seen as a ball in the middle of the screen. While FaceTime calls or watching a video, the user can go back to the home screen and the video or video call will be continued in a little box at a corner of the home screen. The box can be a move to any corner of the home screen.

Table of Contents

iOS 14 new Application:

The new application introduced by Apple is called App Clips. In this application, micro parts-of-apps allow the users to use only some of the applications without install, download or sign in. When the developers create App Clip then they make sure that it gets download quickly and it should be user 10MB.

Messages upgrade:

Messages can now be pin-up to nine conversations, keep those pin messages on the top list. It was difficult for the people who had many lists of chat going on. Group messages are also getting better. The image can be seen by everyone who is the existing group. Replies of the messages can be done line by line. A direct message can be sent to the specific person by mentioning the name, and it also notifies you if someone has mentioned you in a message.

Memoji improvements:

Apple added seven new hairstyles, 16 new pieces of headwear, three new memory stickers, face mase because of the Corona Virus pandemic. It also adds an expanded range of ages.

Maps update:

Apple is going to give all the users the best experience by improving the maps to earn a good reputation. They make a massive difference in the Maps App. Last year they updated the Maps app in the whole United States of America and that update is going to come to India this year.

Translate Application:

The Apple version of Google Translate is the Translate Application. The application can translate 11 languages. There is also an option of download language, it works offline and online.

Car Keys:

Apple is the first company to bring digital car keys to the iPhone (Tesla manufactures those types of car keys). The NFC can be used to unlock or start the car.

Incoming calls compact:

In the latest update of iOS 14, there will be no longer the entire screen call. Voice call, FaceTime call or any other call, it will be seen on the dropdown notification, so that the users can swipe to ignore.



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